When I talked to you about the Crowned Lapwind ìs mum and her chicks, I told you that after enjoying with their company and leaving them safe and sound, we were extremely lucky to see something that we had never seen before in our previous Safaris.

That day, we had left the lapwind´s family by the river bank and we were driving back to the lodge at the end of the day. The light wasn´t good that afternoon and we were eager to enjoy the sunset when, suddenly, something crossed right in front of our car. It happened very quickly, but we had enough time to cry: “a Caracal”. We looked in the direction where it had disappeared behind the undergrowth, without believing what we had seen, hesitating about the credibility of the encounter and decided to move slowly towards the same place. There we found him, hidden behind some bushes, in a small hole, lying down trying not to be discovered. It was the first time in my life that I saw one caracal so closely, and all of us remained observing him realizing how incredible that moment was. Even for Ray, our guide, it was something completely extraordinary.

He let us enjoy with his company during a couple of minutes and then, he disappeared behind the undergrowth in the same way he had appeared, leaving us absolutely moved. I remember commenting how fortunately we were to have been at the right place at the right moment. Few seconds before or after I´m sure we would have miss it, and all of us looked at each other smiling knowing that Luck need to be searched and win, and that day we definitely deserved it.

These two pictures below, though they are not very good because they are poor lighted, they are enough to appreciate and remember the moment.