It’s not a legend
I’d heard people talking about it and even in some occasion I’d watched some scenes on documentaries, but I thought it was almost impossible to see it in a Safari.
I’d heard people talking about it and even in some occasion I’d watched some scenes on documentaries, but I thought it was almost impossible to see it in a Safari.
Yesterday we met for the first time to talk about our next Safari. In this occasion we are going to travel with our friends Arantza y Joxe. Even if the tour was originally planned for last year, it is now that their dream will come true.
When you plan your Safari, some personal events (birthdays, wedding anniversary ...) may coincide during the trip. Sometimes we even share other travellers´s celebrations over the dinners in the hotels.
The Elephant families you often meet in the safaris they might look similar but if you pay the attention these incredible animals deserve, you can share with them some really pleasant moments. In this last Safari we have experienced new episodes never lived before with them.
At this stage you all know that my favourite animal is the Cheetah (Duma in Swahili), but I must admit that Leopards are beautiful too, and if you are lucky enough to find one that allows you to contemplate him, grab the moment because that is a Nature present.
When we started our last Safari, the Annual Migration from Tanzania towards Masai Mara in Kenya had just begun, but since it was still a bit early, we were not particularly expecting to meet any Wildebest or Zebras´ herds.
If you are a traveller like me, surely you´ll find it by yourself, but in case you are in a hurry during the journey from one Park to another, I would like to mention it to you now because without it your trip will be incomplete, and you´ll have missed some magic moments in a Safari.
When I talked to you about the Crowned Lapwind ìs mum and her chicks, I told you that after enjoying with their company and leaving them safe and sound, we were extremely lucky to see something that we had never seen before in our previous Safaris.
I´ve already told you that during my Safaris I enjoy very much observing all the animals I have the opportunity to encounter, not only the most desired ones. Besides, you only have to pay attention and Nature will always reward you in an extraordinary way.
During the journeys between the Parks and their breaks, you´ll have the opportunity to observe the life in the towns and villages you encounter.